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Coaching Certification

A coach approach to helping people experience God and lead from his agenda to integrate, broaden and expand the Kingdom impact of the Experiencing God and Spiritual Leadership insights through integration with recognized coaching skill sets.

Certificate Training Process Required Elements


  • Successful completion of the The Dynamics of Spiritual Leadership Coaching Workshop


  • Read (with writing assignments)

       – Experiencing God
       – Hearing God’s Voice
       – Spiritual Leadership,
          Revised & Expanded
       – Spiritual Leadership


  • Four one-on-one Mentor Coaching Sessions

  • 40 Day Spiritual Journal


Coach within Blackaby Statement of Beliefs and according to Seven Realities principles and ICF ethical guidelines


Peer Coaching Process—Ten sessions (typically in a triad) of coaching,
being coached, and serving as
an observer as your peers coach.


Additional outside coaching: 15 sessions total coaching a minimum of at least three different persons not related to you, with evaluations.


  • Live Coaching Evaluation with the Director of Coaching

  • Final Interview with Richard Blackaby

Process Completion

We intend to ensure that persons certified by BMI:

1. Understand the principles of Experiencing God and Spiritual Leadership.
2. Are continuing to apply that message to their own lives.
3. Understand the Twelve Essential Coaching Skills
4. Have become competent in using spiritual leadership coaching skills.


The process can normally be completed within 4-12 months. Certification students will have up to two (2) years to complete the process after enrollment. Those who fail to do so will automatically be placed in Inactive Status, which will require additional steps and costs on their part. 

To be reinstated to Active Status, they will need to:
· Request reactivation
· Pay a $250 Reactivation fee (including an additional Mentor Coaching Session)
· Re-attend a coaching workshop through BMI
· Re-activation will grant students an additional year to complete Certification.

Ongoing Learning

Every other month, we provide separate optional virtual gatherings for our coaching students and certified coaches to build community and learn new skills and approaches to coaching and building a coaching practice.

Cost for Certification Process


($1000 deposit to begin the registration process)

Fee includes: 

– Workshop (workshop registration applied to fee)
– Books
– Spiritual Leadership Assessment Coaching Session
– Three Additional Coaching Sessions
– Triad Placement
– Evaluation and Feedback
– Blackaby Interview
– Signed Certificate
– Website Listing
– Special training opportunities (retreats are extra)


Coaching Workshop Attendee

May, 2018

"Many are searching for an answer to the question, "How can God use me?" The workshop focused on providing practical, real-life tools that are designed to help guide a person to discovering how the Lord wants to use them in their current situation. The breakdown of the four coaching skills, along with the types of questions in each one, were immediately helpful in my context."

Coaching Workshop Attendee

November, 2022

"The spiritual emphasis of coaching, and the application/implementation of the 7 realities of experiencing God into the material, for those of us who studied Experiencing God years ago, this part was a wonderful refresher and a new way of implementing and applying these principles."

Coaching Workshop Attendee November, 2024

"It is God centered. In all aspects of skill development and coaching scenarios, the workshop leaders pointed to the essential need for and power of the Holy Spirit."

ICF CCEU Credits 

(International Coaching Federation)

For over a decade, BMI has been offering our Spiritual Leadership Coaching Workshop and Certificate process.

ICF Core Competencies to be earned 60 credits.
BMI separately awards 65.5 Resource Development credits.
Total CCE Credits awarded 125.5 (ICF and BMI)

​Still have questions?

You can browse through our frequently asked questions to find the information need.

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