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Our Certified Coaches

Kari Johns
Kari’s heart beats deeply for the kingdom of God and a passion to minister to those looking to cultivate their spiritual life through scripture and walk in a greater awareness of God’s faithfulness. As a Spiritual Leadership Coach, she seeks to help women feel seen, understood and valued. Through powerful questions, encouragement and prayer, women will be challenged to think deeply, love Jesus more, and anticipate the new thing God is wanting to do in their own lives (Isaiah 43:19). Are you ready to discover your next right step? Kari will walk with you to find it.

Reneé Sunday
Dr. Renee Sunday is an Ordained Minister, Anesthesiologist, and Corporate Wellness Consultant with over 25 years of experience in healthcare and spiritual coaching. She is dedicated to empowering individuals to align with God's divine plan. Through her impactful coaching, Dr. Sunday facilitates profound spiritual and personal growth, guiding clients to realize their purpose and promise. Her commitment to promoting faith and wellness helps others live their lives to the fullest.

Randal Whitten
Randal’s heartbeat for “Inspiring others to embrace and maximize life by connecting to God’s purpose,” led him to the Blackaby Certification as a Spiritual Life Coach. He is equipped to help you hear and explore what God has for you, using techniques to spur you to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and to move forward with your life, career, and your dreams. Through this spiritually sensitive, trustworthy, and confidential coaching relationship will be the opportunity to go beneath the waterline of the soul, discover the deep movements of the heart, resulting in direction and balance in life. In short, he is offering you an ongoing intentional conversation that empowers you to fully live out God’s purpose for your life.
Randal has served the corporate world through Sales, Visual Merchandising Management, and Corporate Training and has over 30+ years’ experience in pastoral ministry.

Terry Witte
Terry is passionate about living life intentionally with an eternal focus. With her deep well of biblical knowledge she encourages her clients to live their lives to the fullest, unlocking immeasurable possibilities and the abundant life God desires for them. Terry dedicated 25 years to leading teams and developing and coaching leaders in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). She is a Certified Relational Wisdom Instructor and has 30 years of commercial banking experience as well as several years as an executive recruiter at C12. Terry and her husband Kenny have been married over 40 years and love hanging out with their growing family.

Pilar Garcia
A native of Spain, Pilar started walking alongside fellow Christians as a Stephen Minister after becoming a Christian in 2016, and later as Spiritual coach. Her professional experience in business management consulting and mentoring with Fortune 500+ companies, along with balancing marriage and raising 2 daughters, have positioned her to understand and put into context the fast-paced demands and stresses of present times. She is passionate about helping others find and experience truth, purpose, and joy in Christ.

Candy Huffmaster
Candy Huffmaster is a dedicated Spiritual Coach. She is committed to helping individuals connect with God's plan for their lives. Her background includes a degree in merchandising and certifications in medical aesthetics, cosmetology, domestic violence crisis care, and Spiritual leadership coaching. With experience in management, sales, consulting, training, education for trades, and advising/serving on non-profit boards. She has also served as a Stephen Minister within her church.

Wesley Stahl
Pastor Wes is the Senior Pastor at Bunkertown Brethren Church, an independent church in central PA, and is the Assistant to the General Superintendent of the International Fellowship of Bible Churches. Wes is a second-career and second-generation pastor. He was raised in a parsonage but took a long journey into worldly living before coming to Christ. That journey led him through the construction industry and college as an Architectural Draftsman before he attended Southern Methodist College. Wes brings a practical approach to ministry and has a unique ability to relate to the average church attendee.

Phyllis Snodgrass
Phyllis Snodgrass is a C12 Chair, certified Blackaby Spiritual Leadership Coach, and seasoned executive dedicated to empowering Christian business leaders. With a heart for ministry and a wealth of experience in both for-profit and non-profit sectors, Phyllis helps leaders align their businesses with biblical principles, resulting in transformative growth and lasting impact.

Paula Cook
Helping people get closer to God, and on His path for their lives is her passion. After six mission trips and 42 years of experiene in adult chronic illness,homecare leadership, high risk obststrics and sales and marketing she followed the holy spirit's lead to became a Spitiual Leadership Coach. Paula earned a mastes degree in the science of nursing and an MBA. God has used her experience to coach marriage, parents of high risk teens and grief. Paula has one daughter and has lived in Marietta, GA for 38 years with her husband Craig. They attend Johmson Ferry Baptist Church.

Paul Marston
Paul Marston is a seasoned business leader with over 30 years of experience across various family enterprises, including transportation, hospitality, and golf management. As a C12 Chair for C12 Center of New England since 2022, Paul leverages his extensive background to support and mentor fellow business owners. He joined C12 in 2014 and credits the group's guidance in successfully navigating and exiting his family businesses. With a focus on empowering leadership and strategic alignment, Paul is dedicated to helping others achieve their business goals while integrating faith into their professional journeys.

Bonnie Mock
Bonnie owns a Leadership Coaching company and is certified through Blackaby Ministry. She is a FCCI area leader for Phx AZ, and works with multiple marketplace ministries throughout the U.S. in collaboration, focused on bringing unity in the Body of Christ. She is also a part of Colson Fellows Program, commissioned in 2021. She loves the Lord and His Word and believes strongly in John 15 and Abiding in the Vine.

Cross My Heart Ministry
Laura Macfarlan
Cross My Heart Ministry exists to Encourage Women to Love God and Love His Word. A Bible teacher, mentor, and author, Laura is also a CPA and earned a Women’s Ministry Certificate from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her weekly Bible study draws 150 women in Northwest Arkansas-- as well as a nation-wide audience through YouTube. Laura has coached and mentored women in various ages and stages of life and through challenging circumstances and life decisions. She and her husband, Kevin, have been married for 38 years, have four children and three GRANDdaughters.

David Ludwig
David is passionate about coaching people to find God’s will and direction for their life. He knows what it’s like to be searching for direction; that’s what led him to get a coach. The impact of coaching led him to get coach training, and his passion for coaching has never stopped. David has coached pastors and leaders for over a decade. Along with being a Blackaby Certified Coach, he is credentialed as a Certified Professional Christian Life Coach by the International Christian Coaching Institute. It’s David’s desire to help you discover God’s will and take steps to pursue it.

Steve Ford
God’s leading has landed Steve in a place where his heart’s desire is to help Christian leaders who want to be and do all God desires. To this desire, he brings 35+ years of experience in engineering management, entrepreneurship, church planting, and pastoral ministry. Through one on one coaching and a network of spiritual leadership coaching groups, Steve enjoys facilitating those bright moments when a Christian leader confidently hears from God and takes the next step in following Him.

Annie Bifulco
Annie has a desire to see local church leaders and their families rise out of isolation into a fresh and thriving fellowship with a big God and His connected body. With and inside look into the blessings and challenges of family life in ministry, she knows the power of God's redeeming grace through the darkest situations. She is passionate about helping the families of church leaders each embrace their true identities in Christ and pursue His calling on them as individuals and co-laborers for the Kingdom of God. It is her hope that anyone and everyone God brings into her life will be loved, listened to, and led to Truth.

Verna Verity
Verna’s driving passion to point people to the activity of God in and around them, has led to the establishment of her new coaching practice ‘Canvas and Clay – Life and Leadership Coaching.’ With over thirty years experience facilitating groups, building teams, and investing in the lives of leaders and their organizations, Verna seeks to take God’s word and the BMI coaching principles, and make it practical and applicable in every situation.
With a background in medical science, leadership, and church ministry, Verna has come to understand deeply and humbly what it means to be someone God can work through.

Nyle Sneed
Nyle is a Blackaby Certified Coach who called Hawaii home. She has lived in Texas for a “mighty long time.” She thoroughly enjoys creation - particularly tropical beaches and the Rocky Mountains. Nyle loves partnering with God to help people move toward freedom and wholeness through Life Coaching. She is pleased to provide space for people to be deeply heard, after she experienced the transformative power of coaching. Her specialty is her passion for multi-cultural women who she walks alongside through discouraging and daunting transitions. Nyle is thankful for her husband and two grown daughters.

Calli Weiler
Through her ten years serving overseas and stateside with a mission organization, Calli developed a passion for partnering with God to see others step into their God-given callings through coaching. While working overseas, she led a team of missionaries as they learned the local language. This provided a broad experience of coaching topics from personal issues, culture shock, language learning, and fundraising. She loves working with ministers, but also believes coaching can bring about God’s calling in all aspects of a person’s life. It is her hope and desire to see people walking in freedom and confidence as God directs their path.

Mark Millman
Mark desires to see coaching improve the lives of people. By helping people ask the right questions to make adjustments he has helped many people. His niche is helping people with career transitions and working with owners of small businesses. In addition, Mark has many years of experience coaching church planters, pastors, and church leaders.
Mark currently serves as a Church Planting Catalyst with the North American Mission Board. He also has his own business, Next Step Resourcing, LLC, which is focused on coaching leaders in the marketplace. Mark is certified in numerous assessment tools including the DISC and the Hogan Assessment. Mark is a credentialed member of the International Coach Federation as an Associate Certified Coach.

Jayme Hull
Jayme has mentored young adults and their parents for over 20 years. She is passionate about coaching her clients to develop the next generation of leaders in their church and workplace. A graduate of New York University and an entrepreneur, Jayme’s focus is to encourage and inspire others to discover a fresh approach to Experiencing God‘s purpose in their daily lives.

Russell Grigsby
Russell is passionate about encouraging others to discover what they are designed to do, fulfill the destiny on their lives and go after their calling. He loves meeting with people one on one to hear about their stories and their calling. Along the way, Russell has been in a passionate pursuit for intimacy with God. As a follower of Jesus since 1967, Russell has had a very deep relationship with God that continues to grow daily. He is a retreat speaker and loves to teach on living with greater power and authority as a believer in Jesus.

Joel Gunn
Joel was exposed to teamwork, leadership, and management while working at a Fortune 500 company. He is a seasoned corporate trainer, and he operated a consulting company that primarily served the manufacturing sector. He is also a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt who has used his acquired skill set to help clients develop techniques to improve efficiency, streamline operations, and implement technology. Joel currently holds degrees in electronics engineering, occupational education, and ministry. Joel and his wife, Christiana, have 3 children.

Dr. Robert Wilson
Dr. Bobby Wilson has been serving with World Reach Ministry for the past 28 years. He directs Bible Institutes in Central and South America, and teaches marriage and family conferences, expository preaching classes, and how to study the Bible inductively. For the last ten years, he has worked to promote and expand church revitalization in Latin America. As a Blackaby Ministry certified coach and a certified Church Consultant, he trains pastors to coach their churches towards spiritual health and vitality. In January 2022, he was named the Director Appointee for World Reach and will take over as CEO in 2022.

M. Div, SWA
Sean Donnelly
Sean Donnelly is grateful to serve as the senior pastor for the folks at Black Hills Baptist Church. He has also functioned as the moderator for his association and president for his convention. One of the greatest achievements for Sean is working with the area churches and developing an inter-denominational alliance for the purpose of serving the needy in the community. Sean has enjoyed the opportunity to serve as the chairman for the alliance of churches and works with both pastors, lay people, and clients to help people bridge out of poverty and into stability.

Claudio Perez
Claudio is an active Chief Executive Officer and Investor currently serving as CEO of the AGAPE Network with partnerships in HMO’s, ACO’s, and National Networks. Because of his active role as CEO, Claudio understands, coaches, and inspires other chief executives and elected officials to fulfill God’s divine purpose in their personal and professional lives. He has received the prestigious Congressional Award in Washington for outstanding leadership and invaluable service to the community.

Steve Van Ooteghem
Steve holds an MBA from Indiana University and is the Managing Chairman of several C12 Executive Roundtables for Christian business owners/CEOs in Houston. He served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam conflict.
He has owned multiple businesses following his 17-year corporate career and has experience running businesses using worldly practices. His perspective changed when he became involved with The C12 Group, the nation’s largest invitation-only executive roundtable for Christian business owners/CEOs, and learned to lead by following the Lord’s direction and principles. Steve’s life experience and participation in The C12 Group have given him a valuable perspective to share. His focus is helping business owners and marketplace leaders discover and stay on God’s Agenda.

Randy Harrod
Randy is the Managing Chair for C12 in the East Central Florida area where he facilitates and leads small groups of Christian CEOs and Executives by helping them experience life changes that would bring about the fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose for them in the marketplace. C12's unique platform for business development combines structured curriculum, like-minded peer counsel and accountability, and one-on-one coaching to shape great businesses for a greater purpose. He is a CPA with 35 years’ experience in both public and corporate accounting and is well versed across all areas of operations, corporate development, mergers and acquisitions, financial practices and strategic planning.

Pathway Coaching, LLC
Darlene Biggs
Darlene has a passion for helping others find joy and truly experience God's grace and forgiveness. After a devastating family situation in 2011, Darlene discovered life coaching to help her work through the trauma. She has personally experienced the redemptive power of coaching by working through beliefs and challenges in her past. Her 25+ years of experience in financial services has given her a strong understanding of balancing daily life struggles. God has blessed her with a ministry to women, many who struggle with the hurt of past sexual sins. By addressing core issues such as fear, guilt, and shame, her heart is to help others experience real life change.

Susan Park
Susan has 20+ years of experience coaching business owners, ministry leaders, and individuals who desire CLARITY in strategic planning/decision making, and COURAGE to take the next step. God has gifted her in leadership development, creative idea design, and building connection. She has served in full-time ministry, the small business community, and the corporate world. Susan has a passion for God’s restoration to blended families, and to stop the generational repeat of divorce.

Dawn Otten-Sweeney
Are you a woman that leads out front professionally? personally? spiritually? relationally? Have you found a need for an unbiased sounding board in a time of transition or decision? I would love to invite the Holy Spirit of the ONE TRUE GOD to guide us as we navigate our obedience to God's will and best lives amidst real life messiness, pain and inconvenience. Our God is strategic. Our God is creative. Our God is FAITHFUL!

D.Min, M.Div
Josh Bonner
Josh Bonner has served as the senior pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Rapid City, South Dakota since 2015. He also serves in numerous ministry roles at various denominational levels within the Southern Baptist Convention. His passion is to help ministry and executive professionals achieve their highest potential as leaders of the organizations and people they serve.

Randy Millwood
With decades invested in consulting and coaching Christian leaders, Randy has learned that who we are matters more than what we do. Through soul coaching Randy helps clients recognize and respond in faith to the familiar whispers and nudges of God. The result? Authentic and lasting spiritual transformation that impacts the people and the organizations they serve. He also leads workshops and retreats, delights in his family, and even transforms into an occasional Santa!

Donna Lewis
For 16+ years, Donna Lewis worked for a Fortune 200 company, building leaders, developing successors, and transforming teams/cultures. She understands the difficulties of living Christian convictions while working in a spiritually dark place. Her coaching mission is to help Christians live as “Daniels” in this postmodern world. Donna is the founder of Live Up! Ministries. In addition to being certified as a Spiritual Leadership Coach by Blackaby Ministries International, she is a certified associate coach with the International Coach Federation. Her area of expertise is emotional intelligence (EQ), certified both as an EQ assessor and in Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ).

Ph.D., PCC
Greg Atchison
After 40 years of combined military, corporate, and academic experience, Greg answered God’s call to become a C12 Managing Chair and see God’s kingdom advanced in the lives of business owners and their companies. Greg has been active in small group ministries for more than 25 years. He is a deacon at the First Baptist Church of Wentzville and teaches Sunday School when needed. A life-long learner, Greg has a Ph.D. in Organization and Management. In addition to Blackaby certification, he holds a Professional Certified Coach credential from the International Coach Federation and accumulated more than 1,000 hours of coaching.

Gigi Pace
Gigi is the founder of Created to Soar Coaching & Consulting. She’s spent the majority of her professional career as an HR leader. In 2019, she stepped out in faith to pursue her calling as a Spiritual Life Coach, combining her professional experience with sharing the good news Christ’s love. Her desire is to help women find relief, gain confidence, and reach their potential by aligning with God’s agenda.
In addition to being certified as a Spiritual Leadership Coach by Blackaby Ministries, she is also certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), and a LifeChange Certified Biblical Counselor.

Harriet Dennis
Harriet is the founder and principal consultant of Issues of Life International Ministries. She leverages over 35 years of impactful ministry experiences, ranging from pastoral leadership to global missions. She is a Bible teacher, impassioned speaker, uniquely gifted mentor and a certified spiritual leadership coach. Harriet’s passion for authentic, church leadership is the driving force behind her global undertaking to equip spiritually mature leaders who will bring transformational change in the world with His word. She brings to bear all of her ecumenical practices to fulfill the will of God in her life and others.

Julie Cannon
Julie is an enthusiastic and motivational coach with a great passion for helping individuals and families thrive in their walk with The Lord. In addition to her degree in health and wellness and serving as a certified school counselor, Julie has spent the last 20 plus years in ministry intentionally equipping and investing in others. Julie is also the author of two books. The Shared Spouse is a six-week devotional book written to assist families who are engaged in ministry. Her latest project More Than Just a Number is a devotional for girls and women that speaks to finding identity in Christ alone.

Laura Hasty
Laura is a coach who is passionate about helping people, particularly young adults and women, discover the peace, power, and presence of God as they grow through transitions and challenges in life and relationships. She walks with clients as they gain insight to discover purpose, clarify focus, strengthen relationships, and make meaningful changes to their lives. She is founder and owner of Celina Counseling and Coaching as well as a Blackaby coach, certified International Coaching Federation coach and Licensed Professional Counselor (Texas). She has worked with the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets and is a Prepare/Enrich Facilitator for couples desiring targeted relationship growth.

Kim Massie
Kim has enjoyed 21 years in the industrial supply industry helping manufacturing clients solve inventory challenges. During this time, she was given the amazing privilege of serving Christ for 25 years at Bible Study Fellowship as a group leader, teaching leader and area team member. Through BSF God gave her two passions and goals; helping women find spiritual freedom and fulfillment in Jesus Christ and strengthening the Body of Christ by developing spiritual leaders for God’s Kingdom. Her hope is to leave a legacy of generations who do the same, for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Patrick Conti
Patrick comes alongside Christian leaders around the globe to help them discern what God is doing in their lives and discover where God is leading them. Patrick works with these leaders to create practical steps that will move them forward in God’s plan and purpose for their lives.
Patrick is the Co-Founder of Juniper Table, a ministry that strengthens missionaries and pastors to be healthy and be effective. Juniper Table creates opportunities for leaders to be both refreshed and strategically plan their futures. Patrick is currently based in southern Africa with his wife and two boys.

Trevor Johns
Trevor finds joy in applying Blackaby Ministries International Spiritual Leadership Coaching competencies in purposefully walking alongside others as they come to a fresh discovery of the activity of God, prompting the intentional steps to move them beyond where they are and unlocking their personal and professional potential. Trevor has devoted more than 20 years to face-to-face conversations with high-performance business and ministry leaders around the globe. He travels extensively as a member of The Gideons International, a Christian Business & Professional Mens Association. His passion is helping others to run with endurance in the race set before them.

Mike Chitwood
As an Army Chaplain for over 12 years, Mike advised Commanders regarding their Soldier’s morale and mission impact. Additionally, he was a Project Manager for the Chaplaincy: He trained Soldiers in suicide prevention, provided necessary Thanksgiving meals across Hawaii, and gained General-level approval for a religious support phone application. Before the Army, Mike befriended National Championship collegiate coaches to tactfully guide them of their legal and financial limits. As a Blackaby Certified Coach combined with his unique experiences, Mike strives to strategically help everyone communicate relevant programs that lead everyone together.

Dan Walters
Dan Walters helps Christian CEOs and their key players create great businesses for a greater purpose with the C12 Group in Central Texas. For over 35 years, leaders of large organizations around the world have trusted Dan's insights in strategic planning and change management. He now helps executives who want to live at the intersection of business and faith by tapping the power of peer advisory boards, executive education, and one-on-one coaching within the context of biblical values.

Patty Geyer
Patty is a founder of Victory Coaching International and has been a business coach for 16 years. She is very committed to coaching pastors and ministry leaders walking the tight rope of “being” in a relationship with God and “doing” ministry. Patty has been a Vistage International Chair for 14 years, authored two books, and professionally speaks for Vistage International, TEC Canada, Convene and several organizations and churches. She earned a master’s degree in Psychological Sciences from California Baptist University and is on the Leadership Team and Workplace Ministry Team at Saddleback Church, CA. Patty lives in San Clemente, CA with her husband Mike and stepdaughter Megan.

Brett Pyle
Brett is an Executive Coach/Trainer for Blackaby Ministries International. He has vast experience in working with corporations worldwide. Brett is passionate about facilitating successful business & leadership transformations with leaders who run their own companies. He has an extensive background in consulting with corporate CEO's and brings that wisdom to his work with BMI.

PCC, D.Min
Bob Royall
Bob Royall serves as an executive spiritual leadership coach and Director of Coaching for Blackaby Ministries. Dr. Royall, a credentialed International Coach Federation coach and member of the Associational of Ministry Guidance Professionals, has also served as a pastor, collegiate missionary, and former Director of Golden Gate (now Gateway) Seminary’s D.Min. program. His passion is to help ministry and executive marketplace leaders achieve their highest transformative potential as leaders of the organizations and people that they serve. Co-authored Spiritual Leadership Coaching.
Becoming a Coach
BMI’s leadership coaches are trained professionals who maintain strict confidentiality with their clients. Their mission is to equip you to discern God’s voice more clearly so you gain the clarity and perspective you need to lead at more effectively and fulfill your calling.
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